
Exam Questions Data Handling

Data Handling Exam Question Practise

I have been in the process recently of creating personalised exam question topic sheets for my intervention groups. This allows me and the students to identify individual areas of strengths and weaknesses. The students then work on the skills needed to improve. I don't allow the students move forward till they gain 90% plus on the tests. I've started creating topics for the New GCSE content also to hopefully ease the workload next year.

All of the tests are two pages and less than 20 marks. I find it easier to print as two pages per sheet. Once I have finished editing the last few into a sharable form for Data Handling I will upload the spreadsheet I use to track the results students results in. This is a work in progress and I will be adding to this over time please be patient.


I've had a significant increase in the amount of people asking for solutions to sheets so within each download in this section there are solutions. Please email me if you spot any errors at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.









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  • Guest - Dr Edosa Eweka

    One of the best resources for students: Succinct and raises attainment. Wonderful for fellow teachers also.

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Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School