Maths Murder Mystery II
In order to help develop my students problem solving skills I created a second murder mystery, my first murder mystery can be found here. Students were tasked in the first ten minutes of the lesson to practise their graph drawing skills and then discussing what the regions either side of the line represented. As a class we had a group discussion after think, pair, share and discovered how to shade regional inequalities. It was great to be able to allow the students to discover these facts for themselves using their previous mathematical knowledge.
Students were then tasked in pairs to solve the murder, with the understanding they would need to feedback to the class at the end. A regret is the fact I didn't get the students to make their work into poster displays as I think this would of benifited the organisation of some groups and also made a great display. The objectives of the lesson are in the image to the right.
I provided students with three mini maps of the school and also four clues. The murder mystery can be downloaded below with answers.
Clue 1
Students need to be able to plot simple straight line graphs such as y=3 and x=4.
Students also then need to be able to identify which is side represents the inequality notation.
Clue 2
Students need to be able to plot simple straight line graphs such as y=x and y=x+6.
Students also then need to be able to identify which is side represents the inequality notation.
Clue 3
Students need to be able to solve and represent inequalities on a number line.
Students also need an understanding of the digital clock.
Clue 4
Students need to be able to plot straight line graphs such as y=2x-5 and y=-x+6.
Students also then need to be able to identify which is side represents the inequality notation.
Tags: Independent Learning, Group Work, Maths Resources
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