When planning for a new topic it's important to look at the bigger picture and the journey you may want to take your class on with a topic. I say may because more often than not our best laid plans change and for good reason, however being aware of what they may change to makes it easier to manage. Personally, to do this I used to make lists and sub list of list which then had their own sub lists, as you can see I found this helpful but it sometimes got confusing. Michelle Dunning who is at Acklam Grange School as KS4 lead in maths introduced me to using mind maps to help plan out a topic. This soon speed up my process and helped the connections make sense.
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APP for andriod and apple devices avaialable.
The PiXl Maths App is designed around the concept of PLC’s, students identify and work on their own personal areas for development. My class have the slogan “Going Green”, yes this links to recycling campaigns but it also links to what the students need to do. They need to become successful at the skills they aren’t so good at.
I continually tell my students
Don’t be afraid of improving slowly. Be afraid of standing still
This mantra is starting to pay off students are slowly raising the bar of their own expectations each time they achieve and the PiXL app is helping to make these small improvements notable for the students.
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